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来源:电气与电子工程学院 发布时间:2020-11-17 浏览量:







刘明 教授(Porf. Ming Liu)

研究生院副院长,陕西省百人计划,西交大首批“青年拔尖人才”。研究领域为自旋电子器件、磁存储技术、磁传感技术与信息感知、柔性电子器件等。在国际顶级期刊Science, Nat. Nano. Adv. Mater.等发表SCI.论文140余篇,撰写英文专著一部,申请或授权发明专利37项。先后担任5个国际期刊的编委,担任国际学术会议分会主席10次,做学术邀请报告30于次,中国电子学会高级会员。主持和参与了多项国家自然科学基金面上和重点项目、国家重点研发计划等项目等。



selected publications:

1.G. Dong, S. Li, M. Yao, Z. Zhou*, Y. Zhang, X. Han, Z. Luo, J. Yao, B. Peng, Z. Hu, H. Huang, T. Jia, J. Li, W. Ren, Z. Ye, X. Ding*, J. Sun, C-W Nan, L-Q Chen, J. Li, M. Liu*, Super-elastic ferroelectric single-crystal membrane with continuous electric dipole rotationScience 366, 475-479 (2019)


2.Y. Zhao, S. Zhao, L. Wang, Z. Zhou,* J. Liu, T. Min, B. Peng, Z. Hu, S. Jin, M. Liu* Sunlight Control of Interfacial Magnetism for Solar Driven Spintronic ApplicationsAdvanced Science 1901994 (2019)


3.W. Hou, A. Azizimanesh, A. Sewaket, T. Peña, C. Watson, M. Liu, H. Askari, S. M. Wu, Strain-based room-temperature non-volatile MoTe2 ferroelectric phase change transistor, Nature Nanotechnology 14, 668673 (2019)


4.M. Guan, L. Wang, S. Zhao, B. Peng,*  W. Su, Z. He, G. Dong, T. Min, J. Ma, Z. Hu, W. Ren, Z.-G. Ye, C.-W. Nan,  Z. Zhou,* M. Liu*, Ionic Modulation of Interfacial Magnetism in Light Metal/ Ferromagnetic Insulator Layered Nanostructures , Advanced Functional Materials 29, 1805592 (2019) (Front cover


5.Q. Yang, L. Wang, Z. Zhou*, S. Zhao, G. Dong, Y. Chen, T. Min, M. Liu*, Ionic Liquid Gating Control of RKKY Interaction in FeCoB/Ru/FeCoB and (Pt/Co)2/Ru/(Co/Pt)2 Multilayers, Nature Communications  9, 991 (2018)Editor highlights


6.S. Zhao, L. Wang, Z. Zhou*, C. Li, G. Dong, L. Zhang, B. Peng, T. Min, Z. Hu, J. Ma, W. Ren, Z. Ye, W. Chen, P. Yu, C. Nan, M. Liu*, Ionic-Liquid-Gating Control of Spin Reorientation Transition and Switching of Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, Advanced Materials 30, 1801639 (2018) (inside cover)




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